Tuesday, March 8, 2011

::Interesting Video Women Image::

Take a look:

What are some of your thoughts on the video? What are your thoughts about women image? What makes a woman beautiful?

::SOURCE:: http://www.andrewthomashuang.com/Films.htm

1 comment:

  1. unlike men, women are constantly bombarded with an ideal image of beauty

    self worth and acknowledgment are associated with being beautiful (sadly)

    but in trying to become that image, they are no longer themselves and break

    so the true ID of a woman gets lost in what society thinks a woman should be

    supposedly anything to do with accessories, make up and stuff is considered “woman” when in fact being a woman is so much more

    the struggles with society, patriarchy, expectations, even among socioeconomic stuffs

    there is no solid answer as to what is female identity/woman identity

    so perhaps the works you collect show a spectrum of the various perspectives

    even perhaps showing some negative to contrast with a lot of the different positive and uplifting (maybe)

    society expectations vs. actual (or something like that)
