Friday, September 30, 2011

::The Fallen Woman::

Revile women never fall!
Nobody knows how much weight the overwhelmed,
and endured many struggles in life,
Until they finally fell!

Who has not seen women out of breath
zealously cling to virtue
and withstand the harsh wind of vice
with a calm attitude?

Drop of water hanging from a branch
the wind stirs and shakes;
Pearl the calyx of the flower sheds,
and that is mud to fall!

But you can still drop pilgrim
regain its lost purity,
and emerge from the dust, crystalline,
and before the light shine.

Let love women fall
let the dust of their vital heat,
because all regained new life
with light and love.
— Victor Hugo 

::La Mujer Caida::

¡Nunca insultéis a la mujer caída!
Nadie sabe qué peso la agobió,
ni cuántas luchas soportó en la vida,
¡hasta que al fin cayó!

¿Quién no ha visto mujeres sin aliento
asirse con afán a la virtud,
y resistir del vicio el duro viento
con serena actitud?

Gota de agua pendiente de una rama
que el viento agita y hace estremecer;
¡perla que el cáliz de la flor derrama,
y que es lodo al caer!

Pero aún puede la gota peregrina
su perdida pureza recobrar,
y resurgir del polvo, cristalina,
y ante la luz brillar.

Dejad amar a la mujer caída,
dejad al polvo su vital calor,
porque todo recobra nueva vida
con la luz y el amor.

— Victor Hugo

Manual Photography Cheat Sheet
 © Miguel Yatco Photography

- The light meter is different from the exposure setting.
- Keeping your light meter at “0” doesn’t necessarily mean it’s the perfect setting. Just don’t stray too far from the “0”. Adjust to your liking.
- Positive numbers on your exposure setting will make your photos brighter.
- Negative numbers make your photos darker. 
- Small numbers (like f/1.4) have larger openings, which let in more light.
- Big numbers (like f/16) have smaller openings, which let in less light.
Shutter Speed
- Seeing 100, 250, 320, etc. on your viewfinder means “1/(number seen)”, like “1/100”.
- Try not to use 1/60 or less when handheld, that’s when you use a tripod or look for something steady.
- Using longer exposure (slow shutter speed) will let in more light.
- Using shorter exposure (fast shutter speed) will let in less light.
- ISO is the sensitivity of your camera to light
- Lower numbers are less sensitive to light, which give smoother photos.
- Higher numbers are very sensitive to light, which give very grainy and noisy photos.

::Obstacles for Creativity::

I think the biggest obstacle for people with their creativity is that they feel they have to sit down and create this finished, polished product. Especially nowadays, it’s so easy to have a library of two thousand CDs, books and records. So many things. We’re used to having all of these finished works of art in our life that seem to arise out of nothing. I think that so much of the creative process is a fragmentary one, and then it’s about just allowing your intuition to put it together for you. It’s funny how you create something and you think you’re going in a million different directions, and then the thing you end up with is the thing that you wanted to create your whole life, but you’re just as surprised by it as anybody else.
Jeff Mangum of Neutral Milk Hotel

Tips for Juicing Up Your Creativity

Summarized from an article with quotes from Erin Lee Gafill

1. Take a risk.
Being prepared to take a risk is a big part of doing something creative. Painting a blank canvas red is one way. No drawing skills required. No expectation. No stress. It will serve, later, as the underpainting of your “real” painting.

2. Give yourself an assignment.
Settling in to do the assignment is a way of tricking yourself into working on getting to work without actually realizing you are now, actually, working.

3. Start a ritual.
I light a candle as a way of stating that now I am working on this (painting) and not that (you name it). Carving out this period of time doesn’t  always mean I put paint on canvas or that if I do it adds up to much of anything; but it does mean that I have set aside the the time and don’t allow myself the other usual distractions. Sometimes it is only at the end of this self-appointed time that the idea begins to gel.

::Discount Just for You::

Here is a code for a digital scrapbooking software

My Memories Suite v.2 *( STMMMS47860 )

copy and paste this code for your software and product discount when you are ready to purchase *(code provides a $10 discount off the purchase of the My Memories Suite Scrapbook software and a $10 coupon for the My store - $20 value)

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

::Software Giveaway Contest::

  • Visit this website, MyMemories Digital Scrapbooking Software
  • Choose your favorite digital paper pack or layout.
  • Comment below and name your favorite one
  • Tell me why you would like to receive your own MyMemories Suite.  

* I will post examples of the different uses that MyMemories Suite can have, from the creative forms this digital scrap-booking software has, to the many ways you can go on into creating a new project, having fun and being creative*

Monday, September 5, 2011

::She Believed::

::Woman —John Lennon::

" 'Woman' came about because, one sunny afternoon in bermuda, it suddenly hit me what women do for us. Not just what my Yoko does for me, although I was thinking in those personal terms... but any truth is universal. What dawned on me was everything I was taking for granted. Women really are the other half of the sky, as I whisper at the beginning of the song. It's a 'we' or it ain't anything."
—John Lennon