"Alexey Kurbatov is a talented illustrator from Moscow, Russia. His work is a mix of different styles, between watercolors and vector art. "
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Frida Kahlo
Ilustración de Alexey Kurbatow (Rusia)
— | Frida Kahlo |
September 29th, 1927
-Frida Kahlo
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Sunday, March 13, 2011
::Shirin Neshat: Artist of the Decade::
Sherin Neshat Artist of the Decade
"Women are known to have been active participants in the first mosques founded by Mohammad, and the prophet instructed his followers that men and women are equal before God. Yet women in many Muslim societies are separated from men not just in the mosque but in all places public while being denied many of the legal rights of men. With Islam's relationship to women under increasing scrutiny today by both progressive Muslims and the non-Muslim world, Shirin Neshat's art depicting Islamic women's collective strength and resilience in the face of misogyny and despotism reminds us that though the differences between Islamic and modern societies appear on the surface to break down to matters of faith, the deeper, truly exacerbating fault lines carve out the extent to which our cultures impose the male legislation of women and render the divide of gender inviolable."
"Women are known to have been active participants in the first mosques founded by Mohammad, and the prophet instructed his followers that men and women are equal before God. Yet women in many Muslim societies are separated from men not just in the mosque but in all places public while being denied many of the legal rights of men. With Islam's relationship to women under increasing scrutiny today by both progressive Muslims and the non-Muslim world, Shirin Neshat's art depicting Islamic women's collective strength and resilience in the face of misogyny and despotism reminds us that though the differences between Islamic and modern societies appear on the surface to break down to matters of faith, the deeper, truly exacerbating fault lines carve out the extent to which our cultures impose the male legislation of women and render the divide of gender inviolable."
::Women Artists Sweep Best of 2010::
"Marina Abramovic, Laurie Anderson, Pina Bausch, Elisabeth Kley, Deborah Kass, Shirin Neshat, Shifting the Gaze, and The Visible Vagina.
For at least a decade, arguably two, there's been ample evidence that an avant-garde not only still exists in contemporary art, but that it's comprised almost exclusively of women. If women's art provokes the strongest reactions, pro and con, it's largely because women have made sexuality and gender not just the subject and context of their art, but the medium to be modeled to suit new social realities and identities. Certainly the strongest work exhibited in New York in 2010 was overwhelmingly by women and reflecting feminist perspectives on sex and gender, to the extent that in every contemporary category I could summon to mind, work by women stood out commandingly."
::XX Chromosocial Women ART::
"This is the first in a 7-part series on women artists and writers who chart out, cross, or strive to level the homosocal divide. The series consists of Part 1: Women's Hidden Homosocial Past, an introduction followed by a consideration of work by Shirin Neshat, Laila Essaydi, Deepa Mehta, Marina Abramovic, and Angela Ellsworth. Part 2: The First Mappings of the Divide. The art of Yvonne Rainer, Sarah Charlesworth, Cindy Sherman and Lorna Simpson, and the theory of Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick and Judith Butler. Part 3: Disseminating New Codes and Enculturations: Carrie Mae Weems, Vanessa Beecroft, Sharon Lockhart, Catherine Opie, and Lisa Yuskavage. Part 4: The Interior of Rape: Ana Mendieta, Nan Goldin, Kiki Smith, Janine Antoni, Kara Walker, and Sue Williams. Part 5: Women's Mythopoetic Power: Shahzia Sikander, Mariko Mori, Claudia Hart, and Nancy Spero. Part 6: Transposable Gender: Sherrie Levine, Deborah Kass, Collier Schorr, and Jenny Saville. Part 7: Narrating the Last Great Male Homosocial Preserves: Eve Sussman, Kathryn Bigelow and the women who write Mad Men. Rather than appear consecutively, the series will be spread out over the course of the year."
Saturday, March 12, 2011
.::If You Try Anything::.
“If you try anything, if you try to lose weight, or to improve yourself, or to love, or to make the world a better place, you have already achieved something wonderful, before you even begin. Forget failure. If things don’t work out the way you want, hold your head up high and be proud. And try again. And again. And again!”
— | Sarah Dessen (Keeping the Moon) |
.::Be as a Bird::.
“Be as a bird perched on a frail branch that she feels bending beneath her, still she sings away all the same, knowing she has wings.”
— | Victor Hugo |
Friday, March 11, 2011
.::Women Artist Bios::.
^(click to read)^
Read the ups and the lows of being a woman artist...
A cover story about four LA artist;
Camille Rose Garcia, Seonna Hong, Liz McGrath, and Adele Mildred.
(a SWINDLE magazine article)
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
.::A Woman's Imagination::.
“If you can capture a woman’s imagination, then you will have her. But imagination is a strange creature. It needs time and distance to function properly.”
| — Kathleen Tessaro |
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
.::International Women's Day::.
100th Anniversary of
International Women's Day

Happy Women's Days ladies!! to all the gorgeous and strong females you have ever looked up to today, give them a big ol hug! it takes real guts and a strong sense of character to be able to be all that we are.. study, work, dream, career, family, look real nice each day haha we do it all! have a great day ladies!!
A todas las mujeres hermosotas, lindas radiantes, risueñas, soñadoras y luchonas, no se como le hacemos pero somos todo eso y mas! tmb somos creadoras de la vida, otro don hermoso! FELIZ DIA DE LA MUJER! ♥
.::I'm a Woman::.
I am learning to nourish myself with affirmations. By adding a few short sentences each week, I am able to create a repository of truths to draw upon.
-Laurel Lewis
I will create at least one affirmation today that will help me move in a more positive direction
.::The Power Of Women::.
So as I was sitting here at home, fliping channels,
as I saw this commercial further.. I thought about it. Went to look up the organizations website, to later find many more great videos about this amazing message about the Power of Women.. I really encourage everyone to check out CARE's website and their youtube channel. Really impressive and powerful messages. As I will do the same and check more on this organization and let you all know more about this website and many other websites with the same goal.
as I saw this commercial further.. I thought about it. Went to look up the organizations website, to later find many more great videos about this amazing message about the Power of Women.. I really encourage everyone to check out CARE's website and their youtube channel. Really impressive and powerful messages. As I will do the same and check more on this organization and let you all know more about this website and many other websites with the same goal.
"BAGRC is a non-profit organization that aims to empower girls (8-18 years old) through music education, promoting an environment that fosters self-confidence, creativity, and teamwork. Presented by SonicLiving and The Owl Mag the benefit featured performances with Emily Jane White, The May Fire, The As-Ifs, and a Loquat DJ set."
.::Battle Of Quotes for the Sexes::.
"We have incredible opportunities to fulfill ourselves and to bring about equality between the sexes"
"We must work to strengthen the ties between women to support each other in our paths of growth"
"Let no man pull you so low as to make you hate him" -Booker T.Washington
✥ Talking To Yourself✥
I'm going to start of this thread of "Book Worth Having" with one of my favorite poets, Emily Dickinson. It is not only because of that, but because this is a great way to start a movement, with a quote that has inspired me in a unusual way.
Courage comes from within and it is a matter for us to listen to ourselves. Believing in ourselves brings courage for us to 'speak out our truth to a world in denial.' Listen to yourself within, what is your intuition and what is your perspective of the situation. Speak it out, there must be a chance, there is always a chance if you make that chance on your own.Take some time out of your day and take that chance Speak Out! See who will listen.. of course one of them will be you
"This is my letter to the world that never wrote to me.."
Simply enough we have to start with ourselves. Talking to ourselves is a radical activity that builds our character, our being.Courage comes from within and it is a matter for us to listen to ourselves. Believing in ourselves brings courage for us to 'speak out our truth to a world in denial.' Listen to yourself within, what is your intuition and what is your perspective of the situation. Speak it out, there must be a chance, there is always a chance if you make that chance on your own.Take some time out of your day and take that chance Speak Out! See who will listen.. of course one of them will be you
Inside of you is a smart,Powerful, Dynamic,Capable, Self-ConfidentAlive, Alert, FabulousWomanLet her out and playThe World is Waiting ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~
Now Is the time for womento break the barriers
of self-limitation You can be far more than you ever
dreamed possible --Louise L. Hay
Now Is the time for womento break the barriers
of self-limitation You can be far more than you ever
dreamed possible --Louise L. Hay
✥BoOk Worth Having✥
Im going to tell a story of one time that me and my friends were going through a hard time.. luckily while our visit to our friends house, after long talks, and much more of the like our host, introduced us to several books, for me my pick was, Like There's No Tomorrow by Carolyn Gage. I have kept it since then, but before I return the book to my lovely friend I would like to share some of the "Meditations" that have helped me and my friend as well. She shared with me her story of how it helped her in her difficult times, and I would like to do the same.. so here was just an intro to the later posts on the book and its excerpts.. let me know what kind of topic you are interested in hearing..
Affirmations For Honoring Ourselves
I am a valued human being.
I am always treated with respect.
I am empowered.
I am supportive of other women.
I easily speak up for myself.
I deserve to have boundaries.
My boundaries are respected.
I make waves whenever I need to.
I have a good support team.
I have integrity.
The more open I am, the safer I am.
My self-worth is very strong.
I am a woman healing other women.
I have a strong energy barrier.
The men in my life honor women.
I take my power back.
I Love and Honor Myself.
-Louise L. Hay
::Interesting Video Women Image::
Take a look:
What are some of your thoughts on the video? What are your thoughts about women image? What makes a woman beautiful?
::SOURCE:: http://www.andrewthomashuang.com/Films.htm
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